Prof. Hayamizu, Momoko
M.D., Ph.D.
In the Department of Applied Mathematics, students study cutting-edge mathematical science in three areas: phenomena, information, and statistics, along with lecture courses shared with the Department of Mathematics. We aim to use mathematics, the language of science, to solve a variety of real-world problems and to explore new areas of mathematics. Students conduct a wide variety of research in areas as diverse as computational modeling of natural phenomena and statistical prediction of social phenomena. Through mathematical research that expands the possibilities of science and technology, we educate individuals who can pioneer the future.
In recent years, as data science has come into the spotlight, there has been a great need in science and technology, as well as in the business world, for people who have specialized knowledge of mathematics, computer science, and statistics and the ability to apply it to real-world situations. The most distinctive feature of the Department of Applied Mathematics is that it educates individuals with such skills. In order to solve real-world problems by making full use of mathematics, it is essential to have not only mathematical knowledge, but also the ability to relate mathematics to other fields. In our department, students can learn how to apply mathematics to a wide range of fields such as computer science, statistics, finance, physics, and chemistry through exercises, experiments, and seminars, in addition to lectures on advanced mathematics in collaboration with the Department of Mathematics. In the fourth year, students are assigned to one of our department’s laboratories and conduct research on cutting-edge topics. The program is particularly suited to students who are interested in both the beauty and the utility of mathematics. Our department prides itself on educating and encouraging students to pursue both aspects of mathematics.
We conduct research and education in applied mathematics with the goal of using mathematics to solve real-world problems and to create new mathematics through observation and investigation of real-world problems and phenomena. Students trained in our department have become researchers, engineers, and other professionals competent in applied mathematics. Before you enter college, mathematics may seem like a subject that is all about abstract calculations, and you may not have a clear idea of how it helps you in the real world. However, once you study science, engineering, business, etc., you will see why mathematics is called the language of science and technology. For students who are motivated to use mathematics to solve real-world problems, the Department of Applied Mathematics offers the best learning and research environment. We welcome those who like to think and write logically, who are curious about the unknown, and who can persevere in tackling difficult problems. Communication skills are also important in applied mathematics research, in order to collaborate with experts in different fields. We welcome anyone with an enthusiasm for contributing to the world through mathematics.
My research area is discrete mathematics related to the life sciences. The main areas involved are graph theory and algorithm theory. I have worked on mathematical problems related to various biological phenomena, such as evolution and cellular differentiation, to provide mathematical foundations or to develop new methods for analyzing biological data.
For example, biological evolution is commonly represented by graphs called “phylogenetic trees”, but the evolutionary processes of bacteria and viruses are often too complex to be represented by a tree. Therefore, I am particularly interested in a more general class of graphs called “phylogenetic networks”, which generalize the concept of phylogenetic trees. In addition to studying the mathematical properties of phylogenetic networks, I also use networks to analyze biological data and estimate the evolutionary history of bacteria and viruses.
Such research involves not only mathematics, but also computer science and life sciences, so there are many opportunities to collaborate with researchers in a wide range of fields, from pure mathematics to medicine. I welcome student participation, and we all enjoy collaborative research.
In my lab, students work on a variety of research topics, including but not limited to modeling HIV evolution, developing graph-theoretic theorems and algorithms related to phylogeny, and analyzing gene expression data using discrete geometry and topology. Pioneering new frontiers in the life sciences through mathematics with my students is a truly gratifying experience, and my students and I share the excitement of this ongoing series of discoveries.
Mathematics can seem so abstract that some of you may wonder what good studying advanced mathematics does. But in the Department of Applied Mathematics, you will see how interesting and useful mathematics is. Here, you will not only appreciate the beauty of pure mathematics, but you will also learn how to apply mathematics to solve real-world challenges. Our department provides a wonderful environment for both those who love mathematics and those who want to use mathematics to change the world. Mathematics is much broader and deeper than you might imagine. We invite you to discover new aspects of mathematics and expand your possibilities. All you need is the courage and passion to take on difficult challenges in unfamiliar areas. Let’s enjoy exploring the field of applied mathematics for new innovations together!
When you study applied mathematics, you will often discover mathematical connections between seemingly very different things. Also, since mathematics is a universal language, there are many opportunities to work internationally, and many students present their research at international conferences, even as undergraduates or masters students. It is wonderful to be able to communicate with people all over the world through mathematics. Studying in the Department of Applied Mathematics will broaden your horizons. We hope that you will discover a new you in this department.